Sunday, January 22, 2012


Do you ever try to be completely satisfied with God alone? Does it work? I know I have tried, but honestly I never have felt complete with God alone. I know this sounds bad and I have felt guilty about it often. God is suppose to be all you ever need, right? Or maybe not...

I went to a worship night a couple days ago and two pastures, who were also best friends, talked about relationships. They made me view relationships a whole new way. Friendships are not only blessings from God, but they are also necessary.

God created Adam. And Adam and God were together in the garden. There was no sin and their relationship was perfect. Here Adam is with God in a sinless world, but still it was not complete. God said it was not good for man to be alone. Adam had a perfect relationship with God, yet it was not good. So he created Eve.

We were created to be in a relationship with God and with other people. It is not good for us to go through life alone. God comes first, but we also need friends.

At the worship night the two pastors talked about their friendship and everything they have in made me miss one of my best friends, Taryn. We have been friends since Jr High. In high school we were called "Karyn" and it was assumed we told each other everything and that were always together...which was almost true. Then we went to college and lived together for a year and a half. We went through all the stupid high school drama (you know, boys and sports) together. She was always there for me for the good and bad. Then we went to college together and really I don't think I would have ever made it through my freshman year without here. And there is no one else I would have preferred to live with! Now we go to different schools and it is weird to be apart...miss her already.



But really I have so many great people in my life and I am thankful for each and every one of them! And I so thankful God created us to need friends and I'm so blessed to have the friends I do.

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