Saturday, December 3, 2011


I love to bake! And thanks to my roomie I do it often. After one of the most stressful weekends I had a great day making ginger bread houses and baking a hundred cookies!

Don't worry I won't eat them...they are for my young life kids. I am not known for my cooking...but I have improved my baking skills a lot this semester and I am very impressed with some of our wonderful cookies :)


aren't they cute??

I love Christmas and I love baking! hope my young life girls love them too! I am so stressed right now...I have to tell my young life girls I am leaving, finals start next week, and I have no idea where I will live in a month. When I am stressed I learned to appreciate the little things more. Like baking and listening to Christmas music with my awesome roomies who I am going to miss so much!!!


  1. Katie! Teach me how to make those precious snowman cookies...oh my!

  2. YUM. let's make some over xmas break. :)
