Friday, May 4, 2012

Life with God

As I was packing up my room yesterday I realized I have moved four times in the past year. That's a lot for someone who doesn't like change. I never could have predicted I would be where I am now. Just one year ago I was moving out of the dorms in North Russel. I had an amazing summer at camp, where I met a friend who told me about Navigators and the amazing community at UNC. In the fall I moved in to an apartment in Waco with two amazing friends. Six months ago I started considering transferring schools. And I did. I moved home and since then the best way to describe my semester is unpredictable. After some housing struggles I moved into a house full of amazing girls. I went on a spring break trip with a group of people I barely knew and found an amazing community. I stopped leading young life and and became part of leadership for Navigators. I have grown spiritually and have fallen more in love with Jesus.

I like to have a plan and to be in control of my life, but God has shown me that His plans are far greater than anything I could ever come up with on my own. Learning to listen to Him and to let Him guide me has been a struggle, but I'm learning to fully trust Him and to give Him control of my life. My friend mentioned a devotional she read in her blog about uncertainty and I think it describes beautifully the way God has a plan for our lives. I am "certain of uncertainty."

I didn't know God would lead me to where I am today and I am "uncertain of the next step, but [I am] certain of God." I no longer am afraid of an unknown future. Honestly, I am excited to see what God has in store for me. "When we have the right relationship with God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy."

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