Monday, April 9, 2012

Life to the full!

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~Jesus (John 10:10)

I am truly blessed. I had such an amazing Easter! Starting Saturday night I went to church in Greeley...I absolutely love my church here! I really like the message and I could go on for awhile about it but I'll just mention the parts that stood out the most to me.

Jesus came not only to take our debt and forgive our sins, but also to give us life and life to the full! We don't always live like this though. What does it look like to live life to the full? Life involves growth and transformation.

He gave a great analogy at that I could easily relate to. I'm horrible at mariocart so maybe you haven't made this mistake but I'm sure you can think of someone who has, but have you ever played and looked at the wrong screen the whole time? You notice the person you are racing is turning and jumping and doing everything the same time you are. If someone wasn't watching the screen it would look like you both were doing the same thing. But one person crosses the finish line while the other is stuck in a corner on the first lap. This describes so much what my relationship with God is like sometimes. I go through all the motions yet I'm not getting growing closer to God.

When Jesus died on the cross he said, "It is finished." The work is done. It's not about what we do. It's all about what He had done. It is finished. He loved us so much he did on the cross and there is nothing we must do in return. Jesus doesn't want our works, he wants our hearts and the rest will follow. Whatever has our hearts controls our actions. God wants us to love and desire Him.

My desire to know God has grown so much this semester and the result has been life to the full! I pray that desire only grows more and more. There is no place I would rather be than at the feet of my Savior.

The rest of the weekend was spent living life to the full! After church Saturday I went to Fort Collins and had dinner with my parents. Then went and watched Passion of the Christ with some of my best friends. Sunday I went to church with my parents and had a Delicious brunch! And beat my parents at Settlers of Catan, great game! Then I went to Greeley to have another delicious meal (two Easter meals...maybe put on a few pounds, who cares) with some awesome friends in Greeley. After eating and talking for awhile we went to the park where we played some intense games of ninja, ultimate, and yes duck duck goose. Of course McDonald's is open on Easter so we got smoothies and ice cream. Finally we rented Cars and had a movie slash homework night. It was the Easter celebration that never ended. It was a great day!


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